Tax Changes for LTCs: Watch This Space (Spring 2016)
Proposals to change the rules governing look-through companies (LTCs) and closely held companies are currently going through parliamentary hearings and consultations.
If passed, the Taxation (Annual Rates for 2016–17, Closely Held Companies, and Remedial Matters) Bill is expected to take start taking effect from the 2017 tax year.
The proposed changes are part of the moves to simplify tax, however there are some proposals which have a significant favourable effect.
One such proposal is the removal of the loss limitation deduction in most cases (that is, where LTC losses are effectively limited to the amount the owner has at risk economically).
Another proposal affects situations where companies are liquidated and distributions of capital gains are made to shareholders.
Currently, distributions of tainted capital gains (arising through a transaction with an associated party) involved in the transaction giving rise to the capital gain, are taxable.
The new proposal is to exclude genuine capital gains from this by only taxing those distributed capital gains where the purchaser is a company and the shareholders of the company disposing of the asset retain an interest in the asset of at least 85% after the disposal.
If you would like more detail on how the proposals would affect your business, please contact us.