Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)AllowancesAlternative day (day in lieu)
Back pay (retroactive pay)Bonus
Casual employeeCloud-based payrollCommission
DeductionDeduction holidayDeduction notice
EmployeeEmployee benefitsEmployee deductionsEmployee share schemes (ESS)EmployerEmployer superannuation contribution tax (ESCT)Employment contractEmployment InformationExempt income
Fringe benefitFringe benefits tax (FBT)
Garnishment (Court-ordered deduction)Gratuity (tips)Gross earningsGross wages / Gross pay
Holiday payHours worked
Income statementIncome yearInland Revenue Department (IRD)IRD number
KiwiSaverKiwiSaver employer contributions
Managed payrollMinimum wageMondayisation
Net incomeNew Zealand Business Number (NZBN)
OnboardingOrdinary incomeOtherwise working dayOvertime
Pay as you earn (PAYE)Pay as you earn (PAYE) intermediaryPay cyclePay periodPay ratePayrollPersonal income taxProtected net earnings
SalaryShadow payrollSick leaveStatutory holidaySuperannuation
TaxTaxable income
Our office will be closing on the 20th of December and reopening on the 6th of January.
Wishing you a Happy Holiday season from the team at Chapman Upchurch.