Inland Revenue are rolling out other changes to how New Zealanders file and manage their GST as part of ongoing business transformation.
More than half New Zealand’s businesses now file their GST through Inland Revenue’s secure online service myIR, or direct from their accounting software.
If this includes your business, you may have noticed there’s a new myGST tab on your myIR account. This will provide access to all your GST information.
Taxpayers are now able to use this to register for GST, register as a preparer of tax returns, amend GST returns and accounts, file and pay GST at the same time, set up payment plans, and track GST payments and refunds online.
This is on top of the recent changes for some taxpayers who are now able to prepare and send GST returns to Inland Revenue from their accounting software.
If you would like to talk about how your GST is currently being managed and how the changes might work in practice for you, please contact us.